Sunday, February 10, 2008

So this past week has not been the best week for me in terms of work outs.

Last Sunday i went to the gym and did 35 minutes on the bike (+ 5 min cool down). And was feeling good.

Then on Monday i started my new job. I've been working until 6:30 most nights last week which by the time i got home i was beat and after cooking dinner it was not happening. I find it's hard to manage working out sometimes because i'll get home from work and i'll basically have one of 2 choices. I either cook dinner and at that rate we normally sit down to dinner around 7:30. Or i go to the gym in which case we usually don't eat until after 8pm. I know it's not good to eat dinner so late so i'm finding myself struggling to fit it in. I know i can't get up earlier (it's just not in me). I'm thinking of trying to fit it in at lunch but i only have an hour and that would mean running home (10 min), working out (15 min), and then leaving enough time to make sure that i could shower/dress (15 min) and be back to work (10 min).

Anyways, i made it to the gym yesterday and followed day 1 of the fitness routine. i felt guilty for having not been in the gym earlier in the week so i did a 10 minute warm up on the bike. I couldn't do 12 push ups (i had been straining at 8 last time) so i met you half way and did 10 reps a set. I really thought that the timing for the cardio was good. I always find myself struggling to count 30 seconds here 2 minutes there and the 50 seconds and then 10 intense repeat really worked well for me. I also did an extra 10 minutes on the elipitcal at the end.

I'm trying to post as often as i can but this past week has been very tiring. I know i can do better this week so check back next weekend.

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