Sunday, November 4, 2007

1 hour modern dance class

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Right so here's another round of exercise fun. I'm feeling good but i'm feeling totally impatient for results. Really over critical but hey, i'm trying.


28 minutes on the bike, weight loss program at resistance 4 and then 5.
5 minute cool down.

4 sets of crunches 12 per set

3 planks (approx 10 seconds each) using the ball as the back part to raise my legs

20 minutes on the elptical
2 minute cool down

1 hour intermediate ballet class

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Tuesday: 6pm

2 minute warm up (quads/calves))

28 minutes on the elpitical
5 minute warm up
1.5 minutes hard (13 calories per min)
1.5 minutes soft (10 calories per min)
1.5 minutes hard (13 calories per min)
1.5 minutes soft (10 calories per min)
5 minutes med (reverse)
5 minute cool down

cruches on ball
4 aets of 12 reps

3 reps, 20 seconds each

Wednesday 6:20pm

2 minutes streching
25 minutes on the bike (80 rpm)

crunches on ball
12 reps 4 sets

3 reps, 20 seconds each

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Fresh start

This is the blog i am going to use to record my workout summary's, my frustrations and anything else on the road to the gym.

Wednesday 17th October
Start 6:30pm

2 minutes stretching calves (leaning against a wall) and arms (across the body)

Elipitical machine: Weightloss setting (intervals)
28 minute program going between resistance 3 and 5
3 minute cool down on setting 1

Crunches on pilates ball- 4 sets of ten with arms behind head

Saturday 20 October
Start: 4pm

Elipitical machine: Weightloss setting (intervals)
28 minute program going between resistance 3 and 5
5 minute cool down on setting 1

Crunches on pilates ball- 4 sets of 12 with arms behind head

Lunges forward - 1 set of 10 on each side

Stretches to cool down