Saturday, February 2, 2008

new start

Well i finally got back on the horse. I've been recovering from a bit of a cold and so finally last Wednesday Matt and i decided to go for a run/walk to the domain and then do some of the strength training there. We always run up this super super steep hill and having hurt my calves last time i ran the stairs i always make sure that i stretch my calves out. Well we got to the domain and started your routine Mo. We got to the lunges and Matt's going, "wow my legs feel like jelly" and i'm thinking hey this is great. He quit 3/4 of the way through and i finished up everything (i substituted doing real sit ups for the ones on the ball). In any event we got home and the next day and for 3 days after my legs were like jelly. I could not bend them, sit down and there were times walking around at work where i thought they were going to collapse out from under me. Needless to say i didn't make it back to the gym that week.

This week was different. Tuesday i went in to the gym. for my 5 min warm up i did the eliptical and then did the strength training as per your instructions. The only thing i haven't been doing is the band rowing. I don't know what you mean by that. This time tho in the 60 seconds of rest i did loads of stretching - esp on my quads that had been so painful last week. I only did 20 minutes on the bike at the end (alternating between like 70-75 rpm and going up to 85+ plus for the higher intensity bits where i push myself). I know i should have been on it longer but i'm struggling to get into the gym and back upstairs in time to cook dinner and watch my soap opera (yea i know i'm lame, but i'm hooked on it). Wednesday was the same and i felt really good. Thursday i took a 1 hour modern dance class. Which i didn't think did much (it was a lot of stretching) but am feeling it in my obliques and tummy area (love handles really).

Was at the doctors the other day and am currently weighing 65kg and which she said is a BMI of 24 and is ok. Ideally i'd like to drop a size and maybe another 5kg (sorry i'm saying everything in kg -- it's funny how you train yourself in numbers and i'm just thinking in metric lately). Really focusing on my tummy a lot - i feel like it's the part of me that i feel most insecure about these days.

Anyways i hope this is a good report for you. I've picked up a womens health magazine to read in the gym on the bike tomorrow maybe. Talk to you soon Mo.


Mark Woodall said...

Just sent you anote

Mark Woodall said...

just sent you more workouts. Also reading your blog you mention your Abs and how you are insecure about them. Me too, I think everyone is. However realize that doing 100 crunches a day won't help. It's not that you don't possess the muscle to show a great midsection, it's that adipose tissue which stores fat ( hides the muscle.) Our goal is to expose it with total body workouts that rev up you bodies metabolism. So think total body, not just one part. I know it's hard, but spot reduction has yet to be proved in an scientific journal